[Acm] Crossroads Magazine Article Submissions

Cameron Jordan McInally cameron.mcinally at nyu.edu
Sat Feb 9 11:58:47 PST 2008

Anyone interested...


Crossroads, the student magazine of the ACM, is on the lookout for interesting and informative articles by computer science students and enthusiasts at all levels. Topics include anything to do with computer science, such as

-Cognitive Science
-Computer Graphics
-Gaming and Entertainment
-Computer Security
-Human-Computer Interaction
-Interdisciplinary Computer Science

Articles can be technical or nontechnical, opinion- or research-based, long or short. The types of articles you could submit include

-Opinions and ideas about current issues in computer science, including ethics, education, and research directions
-Technical papers describing research projects or new algorithms
-Interviews with professional computer scientists, developers, or entrepreneurs
-Tutorials describing how to get started using various packages, programming languages, and other development tools
-Descriptions of the challenges you encountered and any creative solutions you devised during your latest development endeavor
-More creative entries, including algorithmic challenges, comic strips, humor columns, and puzzles

Crossroads articles should be written for a broad audience. They should be easily understandable by someone who has had only the most basic computer science instruction, and yet still be interesting to the advanced computer
enthusiast. Articles longer than 6000 words will generally not be considered for publication.
Articles should be written in a magazine style rather than a research paper style. We accept submissions on a rolling basis and publish four issues a year. All submissions undergo a review process. Crossroads is published both online (free access) and in print with a print circulation of about 20,000. Authors that have an article printed in Crossroads can receive a complimentary copy of the issue they were published in. All submissions should be formatted in HTML, submission instructions can be found at http://www.acm.org/crossroads/submit/. If you have any further questions about submitting an article, please email us at crossroads at acm.org.


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