[Acm] ACM Chapter - NSF REU Opportunity

Stefan A. Robila robilas at mail.montclair.edu
Wed Mar 5 16:17:27 PST 2008


Kindly read the following announcement and visit the accompanying website describing the NSF REU site being organized at Montclair State University, NJ. I am certain that, as an ACM chapter, you will find this valuable opportunity worthwhile and support our endeavors to include as participants students from your institution.

Electronic and hard copies of a one page letter-sized poster advertising this opportunity are available upon request.

Thank you,
Stefan Robila
Department of Computer Science
Montclair State University


The Department of Computer Science and the Center of Imaging and Optics at Montclair State University are pleased to organize a 8 week intensive undergraduate research program where students will work individually  and collaboratively on a wide variety of imaging and computer vision problems benefiting from a group of experienced research mentors. In 2008, the REU site will take place between June 22 and August 15. Four faculty mentors from within the CS department will provide supervision. 

Here are some highlights:


SUPPORT: The students will live and work in campus for the project period and will be compensated for their participation with a stipend of $3296. In addition, their lodging in campus will be paid and a daily meal allowance will be provided. Travel to and from Montclair are also covered (up to $500). 

ELIGIBILITY: The program is open to computing related majors with at least one year of courses taken within the program of study. In our understanding, computing related areas include but are not limited to computer science, computational science, computer engineering, information technology, information systems, bioinformatics, electrical engineering, physics or mathematics.  The students are also expected to know how to program in at least one high level language such as but not limiting to C, C++, or Java. 

Eight positions are available each year. One of the students will play the role of peer mentor / student assistant and will start work in March 2008 (with additional compensation).

Funding is limited to United States citizens or US permanent residents. Members of the underrepresented groups are particularly invited to apply.

SPONSOR:  This project is jointly funded by the National Science Foundation’s Research Experience for Undergraduates and the Department of Defense’s Assure programs. 

FURTHER INFORMATION: http://www.csam.montclair.edu/~robila/iMagine or email nsfreu at mail.montclair.edu , robilas at mail.montclair.edu 

Stefan Robila

Stefan Robila
Assistant Professor in Computer Science
Director, Center for Imaging and Optics
robilas at mail.montclair.edu
stefan.robila at gmail.com
p: (973) 655-4230
f: (973) 655-4164
301 Richardson Hall
Department of Computer Science
Montclair State University
1, Normal Ave
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

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